Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm finally caught up!

Thursday, January 31st.  I should start today's entry by explaining it's title.  Like I've said earlier, I originally planned to document my progress in a journal type format that I hoped to turn into a novel of some sort about personal change and dealing with disappointment (those of you who know me that I've got to find some way to make everything serious).  The idea of a blog was suggested by Judy, my therapist who I happened to see last night for a session.  She approved of the basic idea of trying to do 180 things in 180 days as a novel and productive way to deal with the 6 months until Paula and I decide what the future holds, and thought that a blog might be fun and helpful.

So today's thing I've never done was easy...create my first blog!  It's starting to make me think that the Law of Attraction (you know, the book "The Secret?") actually works.  As I focus my attention on something, this blog, the universe sends more ideas my way!  Anyway.  So "I'm finally caught up" refers to how I've had to backtrack a little to get to today.  After today, things will be real time.  I'm just beginning to tell my friends of the blog (Julie, you were the first, I hope you posted something!), and I hope things'll get rolling and this could be a little back and forth, give and take.

Writing has been fun so far, and I hope to be able to continue to do things that challenge me and make me laugh.  See ya later alligator!

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