Sunday, April 20, 2008

Clearing lists

Saturday, April 19.  Hi all.  Very tired right now, so this will be short.  I had a nice day, the weather was great and I gave some effective lessons to some great students.  Otherwise just hung out and had a little personal challenge today, but managed to work through it.

Today's new item is erasing all phone records and text messages from my iPhone.  This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but to me it represents letting go.  Everything that has already happened is immediately in the past, and outside of learning something from it, it does no use to hang on to, physically or mentally.  So cleansing my phone of all the text messages and phone messages and call records to me was a way of me knowing and confirming that the present is what matters, and that even pleasant memories of the past are the past, but what is most important is what is happening now.

Now I understand that being present and not existing in the past or future involves more than just erasing messages, but I also think that being able to live in the present fully involves taking many little steps that encourage being in the present.  And my little step was erasing past messages, even the ones I wanted to keep because they reminded me of good things and made me feel good or smile.  That's it for now, we'll see what happens tomorrow.  Great things for sure, I just don't know what quite yet!  Have a good one guys and we'll talk soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

Oh boy...I know exactly what you mean !

It may seems no big deal for others in erasing old memories but I also love to hang on to them. I have a box just for them and I called them "tokens".

May be..may be..I'll take my baby step in letting go by empty the box and use it for other purpose. I'll give it a thought.

Keep writing ok? cause I still keep coming back.

