Friday, June 13, 2008

A US Open leader

Thursday, June 12.  Hi all!  Today was a truly fantastic day.  It started with my first radio interview about my teaching and my relationship with Justin, who I'll get to later.  The interview was fun and I think I came off great.  I then went for my business school interview, which went great as well.  Upon leaving, I felt very good about just being myself and expressing my goals and desires with passion and energy.  If they want me, they want me.  I feel good about myself no matter what, and it's out of my hands.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of fun.  In addition to teaching a normal load of lessons, Justin was doing himself proud at the US Open.  So as my day passed, he finally made his way to leading the US Open!!   I'm so proud of him and happy for him and his family.  And I'm proud to have played a small part in his success and to be his friend.  A side effect of all of this was to get a whole bunch more calls from radio shows and journalists and a TV (Golf Channel) personality to get more information about Justin and my relationship with him.  Very exciting!

Anyway, lots of first today, but I will have to say that being the teacher of the first round leader in a US Open, one of the three biggest golf tournaments in the world, takes the cake.  I'm flying and on top of the world with happiness.  I smiled all day today!

So send him some good energy and best wishes these next few days and lets hope that we have a new US Open Champion on Sunday!  Love you all and thank you for your support and love.  I will keep you updated on everything and talk to you tomorrow!

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