Monday, July 7, 2008

A unique conversation

Monday, July 7.  Hi all!  How are you?  Another day off for me, and I've had a good one.  I slept in, ran some errands, had a therapy session with Dr. Bob, and took a nap.  I was intending to play golf, but it is currently raining out so maybe that's not happening.  Otherwise, it's been a great day!

Earlier today, I had a very unusually pleasant conversation with a woman, Bonne, who worked for one of my credit card companies.  I was trying to move some money around and just so happened to get her on the phone.  Instead of it being just business, we had a nice, personal and pleasant conversation while we were getting things done.  It was new and strange to talk to someone in that position for that long, and it made me realize that I have the ability to make anyone's day just a little better and more pleasant than it might be.  I'll have to take that attitude on to all of my interactions and see what happens.  Fun!

Anyway, have a good day or night, enjoy life, laugh and love.  I'll talk to you tomorrow!  See ya!

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