Saturday, February 16, 2008

Target (that's Tarjay) and inspiration

Saturday, February 16.  Two days removed from the ever dramatic Valentine's Day, I have continued to move in the direction of calm and peace.  I worked as usual on a Saturday, but had the pleasure to have Mom, Dad, Julie, Chad, Kirin and Coco come see me.  I had some fun with them, my dad and mom got some new clubs (what's new).  It was very nice to see them.  I love them and they feel the same about me.  That's a blessing.

So I went home to chill out and walk the dog, then decided some exercise would be good, so I went to the gym and ran for 25 minutes at about 5.6 miles per hour.  I'm getting there.  I'd like to be able to run somewhere between 6 and 7 miles an hour so I can finish the race somewhere under 50 minutes.  That would be good.

Being the crazy partying fool I am at 37, I decided to go nuts at Target (yes, it's pronounced Tarjay).  I decided that my new thing was to walk and look at every single aisle.  Yes, everyone.  You see some interesting things (and by the way, the really good deals are at the end of the aisle where you can get some great buys!).  

My shopping cart at the end of the spree is testament to the wonderment that is Target, but also to some fun returning to me.  I picked up: a cork board (for another vision board-I have many dreams, you know), some push pins (for my dreams), a pair of camoflouge underwear (for no real reason other than I want a tight short sleeved camo t shirt and can't find one), a dustbuster (because there's always dust to bust), a french press (for real coffee flavor), a mouse pad with pictures of cats (the irony drips, no?), an external hard drive for my powerbook (we can never have enough memory, can we?), a sweet fedora (that I'm going to wear to teach golf so that I'm stylin'!  maybe with a shirt and tie too), some half and half (for my aromatic coffee), and a red piggy bank (because we all must save for a rainy day).

All the things except the board, the pins, the stickies and half and half are new experiences for me, and I plan to enjoy them thoroughly!

Also, a new plan (inspired by Julie).  I am going to attempt to amp up this blog and what I do.  I then hope to get someone to notice and get sponsors, then be a guest on the Ellen talk show!  What do you guys think?  I need your encouragement and help though.  Ideas especially.  This could even turn into a book if things go the way I see!

Love to you all (especially family and friends and even to my sweet Paula!).  Talk soon!  It's funny how everything changes, even attitudes...

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