Thursday, February 21, 2008

Making the call

Thursday, February 21.  I decided to see if the phone number I got from our waitress was real or not today.  There was a moment of trepidation as I dialed the number as I was of course afraid that it was not hers.  And it wasn't.  I'm not crushed because I figured it might be.  But of course was hopeful that it was real.  Anyway, I thank Jen for playing along because I think the victory was in asking and not in getting anywhere with it necessarily.  I am hardly ready to date.  It would have been nice to have someone new to hang out with though.
So I've called a random woman, which is definitely something I've not done before, and I've managed to see the benefit of it.  The value in the process, not the result.  I'm proud of myself.
Otherwise the day was actually quite good.  I taught four lessons, and Mike has set up a lunch meeting with a local real estate guy for tomorrow.  The networking and education begin.  I have also started the process of applying for MBA programs.  In addition to the real estate class I'll start in March, I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to be doing to enrich and improve myself.  And of course, it's all supposed to help me heal my hurt.
The rest of my evening was spent relaxing and hanging out watching tv.  This morning I met Aubrey and gave her her birthday gift (and her brothers').  It was great to see her and I hope to continue to nurture that relationship.  I love her dearly.  And it is something that I don't believe is me hanging on in anyway.  I'm proud of that too!
Lastly, I am really going to take my hat company idea as far as I can.  I will work on a market niche (golf first then other applications), develop some styles and looks, find a manufacturer, work on branding and marketing, then make it the flyest hat company in the world!  Fedoras, caps, baseball hats, floppy hats and more!  I will make it!
Great things for me and all of us guys.  I'm fighting and fighting and you will see great things in me.  You will be proud!
So in addition to another fedora, black and tighter, there's a picture of M&Ms.  I like M&Ms.  Peanut of course.  KitKats too.


Tom said...

hey have any ideas about the had company? this picture is kinda one of my ideas

this idea and hipper...for golfers first, hip young guys like you next, and just normal folks too.

Love to hear what you think.

P To

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro...

Very hip hat for golfer!!

I talked to Joy about your hat project and i think it's a good idea you go to NY and see Joy, then you guys can look around for what sort of styles you like and you and Joy can work out later to add on the idea that makes your hats unique. About manufacturer, i totally understand the idea of making it very high quality...but depends how much budget you have, we'll see what you can manage all those but if you think it'll be a lot cheaper in Thailand with the same i said, just holla ^^

PS.Nice try on Jen's number...i was gonna call her too, now i dont have to waste my money hehehee joking.


Tom said...

look at this tor

this is one style i'd like to do, plus one more like the brown one i'm wearing in the picture. the golfer's had has a thinner brim and mine has a slightly thicker brim.

what is your email?